Steroids primobolan methenolone acetate

As a sports drug, it is relatively safe and effective not only for men, but also for women. In bodybuilding, steroids primobolan methenolone acetate used mainly as the basis for cutting courses, less often as a component of mass-gaining courses, combined with testosterone, nandrolone, methandienone, and even oxymetholone products.

In what improvements for the athlete is the effect of the drug expressed? If we list the proven effects, then Primobolan Depot (1ml, 100mg) from Bayer Schering (Germany) primarily promotes high-quality muscle growth. With its help, you can build rigid and relief muscles (without excessive water retention or accumulation of excess fat).

Steroid profile of Primobolan Depot (1ml): anabolic index - 88% (from endogenous testosterone), androgenic index - 44% (from endogenous testosterone); half-life - from 5 to 7 days, detection time - at least 5 weeks; aromatization (conversion to estrogen) - no, absent; hepatotoxicity (toxicity to the liver) - no, absent; progestogen activity (affinity with progestins) - no, absent; suppression of HPTA function (decrease in testosterone synthesis) - yes, minimal.

Thus, Primobolan Depot from Bayer Schering has almost no side effects. Potentially can be recorded: high blood pressure, headache, increased aggression, insomnia. But all this is more an exception to the rule than a pattern.

The course of the steroid can continue without problems for 8 weeks (within 4-12 weeks). And longer methenolone enanthate, as a rule, is not used, for fear of shifting the action towards side effects. At the end of the main cycle, an exit is usually carried out, then post-cycle therapy (to consolidate the results and prevent consequences).

The optimal dosage of Primobolan Depot 1ml is selected individually by the athlete. If we give average values, then for men it is 200-400 mg (2-4 ampoules) per week, for women - 50-100 mg (0.5 - 1.0 ampoules) per week. For athletes, abuse of the drug is fraught with the formation and accumulation of virilization symptoms: from mood swings to body hair.

To achieve maximum results will allow the combined use of Primobolan Depot (Bayer Schering) with other sports pharmacology. It combines well with most steroid drugs. The choice of a specific AAS ligament depends on the tasks of a particular athlete. Here are 2 examples:

1) A course with methandienone tablets and a mixture of testosterone esters (for experienced athletes with sports pharmacology for weight gain with minimal rollback).

2) A course with oxandrolone tablets and boldenone undecylenate (for beginners in bodybuilding for high-quality muscle growth with minimal risk of side effects).

Note: we recommend that everyone interested visit the AthleticPharma Forum (these are our official partners who have been working for domestic amateurs and sports professionals for more than 8 years, but not in Belarus). Here you can get individual advice on pharmaceutical support, diet or training.

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